We offer comfortable and affordable accommodation in With a range of Single,Double and Tripple Bed Rooms you can enjoy a friendly and peaceful atmosphere with facilities like
Our comfortable rooms are equipped with 1.5-ton Inverter (Heating & Cooling ACs), wooden beds, comfortable mattresses,
and pillows.
They also feature a side table, cupboards, cabinets and Bathroom with an electric water heater.
Kitchen with fridge, microwave, water filter cooler, crockery, laundry with washing machine and UPS backup.
Wi-Fi, 24-hour CCTV surveillance, Mess Facility, Smart Gate Unlock system, Common Area.
Free Services that include Cleansing of Rooms,Bathrooms and Kitchens
Free Electrical, Sanitary Repairs and Maintenance
Sui gas + Water bill (Included in Rent)