room available near to Tarnol in Islamabad

Paying Guests 142 views ID: 1692
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Published on 2023-05-06


electricity backup
free internet
Air Conditioning
Cable TV
Hot Showers
Fully Furnished


There are multiple options for rooms available near Tarnol in Islamabad. These rooms can be found in various sizes and budgets to suit different needs. Some of the common features of these rooms include comfortable beds, air conditioning, attached bathrooms, and basic furniture. Some rooms may also come with additional amenities such as a TV, refrigerator, or a study table. The surrounding areas of Tarnol offer a range of options for dining, shopping, and entertainment. Additionally, public transportation is easily accessible, making it convenient to travel to other parts of Islamabad. Overall, whether you're a student, a professional, or a tourist, there are several comfortable and affordable rooms availabl...


33.6938118, 73.0651511
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