1493 results found
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pak home hostel
3 months
pak home hostel
3 months
20k per head
20,000 RS
20k per head
Seats in 4 seater and 3 seater room available. Services 1) Breakfast 2) Dinner 3) laundary 2 time week 4)cold water 5)hot water 6)Internet 7)Cctv and car parking
20,000 RS
pak home hostel
3 months
Check with seller
2 time meal Free wifi Neat and clean
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pak home hostel
3 months
18,000 RS
Neat and clean 2 time meal Wifi
18,000 RS
pak home hostel
11 months
Gulshan_e_fatima boys hostel Rawalpindi
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Gulshan_e_fatima boys hostel Rawalpindi
single, 2 bed, 3 bed, 4 bed Facilities: - Newly constructed building with Marble and Tile flooring - Comfortable Beds with Separate Wardrobe - Delicious three time Meals - Filtered Drinking water - Fiber Optic Internet 10 MB on each floor Nayatell - Laundry(unlimited) once in a week. - Dinning room - TV Lounge with Sofas and Led, - Attached Bathrooms - Energ...
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pak home hostel
11 months
Faisal colony boys hostel Rawalpindi
15,000 RS
Faisal colony boys hostel Rawalpindi
single, 2 bed, 3 bed, 4 bed Facilities: - Newly constructed building with Marble and Tile flooring - Comfortable Beds with Separate Wardrobe - Delicious three time Meals - Filtered Drinking water - Fiber Optic Internet 10 MB on each floor Nayatell - Laundry(unlimited) once in a week. - Dinning room - TV Lounge with Sofas and Led, - Attached Bathrooms - Energ...
15,000 RS
pak home hostel
11 months
Gulistan colony boys hostel Rawalpindi
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Gulistan colony boys hostel Rawalpindi
single, 2 bed, 3 bed, 4 bed Facilities: - Newly constructed building with Marble and Tile flooring - Comfortable Beds with Separate Wardrobe - Delicious three time Meals - Filtered Drinking water - Fiber Optic Internet 10 MB on each floor Nayatell - Laundry(unlimited) once in a week. - Dinning room - TV Lounge with Sofas and Led, - Attached Bathrooms - Energ...
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pak home hostel
11 months
Railway housi boys hostel Rawalpindi
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Railway housi boys hostel Rawalpindi
single, 2 bed, 3 bed, 4 bed Facilities: - Newly constructed building with Marble and Tile flooring - Comfortable Beds with Separate Wardrobe - Delicious three time Meals - Filtered Drinking water - Fiber Optic Internet 10 MB on each floor Nayatell - Laundry(unlimited) once in a week. - Dinning room - TV Lounge with Sofas and Led, - Attached Bathrooms - Energ...
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pak home hostel
11 months
National police foundation O-9
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National police foundation O-9
single, 2 bed, 3 bed, 4 bed Facilities: - Newly constructed building with Marble and Tile flooring - Comfortable Beds with Separate Wardrobe - Delicious three time Meals - Filtered Drinking water - Fiber Optic Internet 10 MB on each floor Nayatell - Laundry(unlimited) once in a week. - Dinning room - TV Lounge with Sofas and Led, - Attached Bathrooms - Energ...
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pak home hostel
11 months
Airport housing soicety boys hostel Rawalpindi
17,000 RS
Airport housing soicety boys hostel Rawalpindi
single, 2 bed, 3 bed, 4 bed Facilities: - Newly constructed building with Marble and Tile flooring - Comfortable Beds with Separate Wardrobe - Delicious three time Meals - Filtered Drinking water - Fiber Optic Internet 10 MB on each floor Nayatell - Laundry(unlimited) once in a week. - Dinning room - TV Lounge with Sofas and Led, - Attached Bathrooms - Energ...
17,000 RS